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Working with Animal Medicine: Whale

Whale medicine is more than just a call from the deep—it’s a profound archetypal energy that helps us tap into our soul’s song and authentic voice. In this episode, Working with Animal Medicine: Whale, we dive into the powerful energies whales hold, from their heart-centered strength to their ability to help us align with our North Star. 

Join us as we explore how working with Whale medicine can unlock your deeper expression, guide you through intuitive growth, and even aid in healing the Witch Wound. Whale songs are like cosmic transmissions, bringing us home to our truth and helping us embody our soul’s purpose with clarity and love.

If you’ve been feeling a pull toward deeper soul expression or connecting more fully to the wisdom of the Earth and its creatures, this episode is for you. Watch the full episode or read the transcript below to begin your journey with Whale medicine today!


Hello. Welcome to our 13th episode of the Kairos wisdom keepers, working with animal medicine whale I’m Janet Raftis and I’m ina vucas, and today we’re going to talk about what the energy of the whale archetype is and how to work with it for greater soul expression.

Yeah, so what is whale medicine? Well, before we dive into that fully, let’s just hit a little bit on working with archetypal energies, and we will go into this further in a future episode. But for now, just know that archetypal energies are everywhere, and they are morphic fields of information. They are vibrant, activated, alive, and because we are all a part of this giant matrix of energy that is source, all of these archetypal fields are imprints within that matrix, and we have all of those imprints available to us. And so we may have some predisposition towards certain archetypal energies, but we can activate any of them within us at any moment in time. We can work with any of them to support our spiritual evolution, to support our intuition, to support physical activities in the world. So today we’re talking about whale medicine, and we’re going to talk about it specific to activating this archetypal energy within you for greater sound soul expression, right? Because a big part of whale medicine is whale song. Whale song is your soul song. It is what you came here to sing into the world, what you came here to share with all of us here on the planet.

I love how you just said that, because as we start to really feel into the archetypal energy of whale, whales are so connected to their hearts, like they’re such a transmission of love, right? Their song is so deeply healing. They are so based in in community. They are so based in communication. They are so based in ecosystem energies and frequencies and harmonics and so whale as an archetype is a beautiful energy to call on when we want to connect more deeply into our hearts, and connect our heart chakras with our throat chakras and that soul expression of bringing our authentic voice into the world from a place of love, from a place of our hearts. But whale is also so much more than that. Whale medicine is known to be the energy of the record keepers. Whales are swimming libraries. They have been in these oceans for millennia, and they hold so much deep wisdom and knowledge and the experience of the evolution of Gaia herself. And so whale medicine is this deep, deep, deep DNA activation of the records within us, the records within ourselves. That’s why, when we hear whale songs, there’s something that just calls us home, that calls us into our hearts. How beautiful it is to listen to the song of the whale, and to feel that pure frequency of healing that comes through as a gift, as an offering of just pure connection to Source, pure connection to love the largest beings on the planet that are also the most benevolent.

Yeah, I want to make a quick distinction here too, between having a spirit animal or a totem animal, as it’s mentioned in some traditions, most traditions throughout the world have, in their indigenous roots, honored the connection with animal spirits, and most people have very strong affinity. Towards certain animal spirits, and that animal spirit that you feel so strongly connected to would be like one of your guides, right? It’s an archetypal energy that’s very comfortable for you that you chose to really spend a lot of time with in this lifetime. Now you can have that, and you can still work with any of the animal spirits that you feel called to. The reason I bring this up is because for people who have this very strong resonance to whale medicine, you’re going to be the type of person that is very melodic, who uses her expression, who understands his voice. You will likely be telepathic, maybe clairaudiennt, and you’ll have a very strong connection to Source energy, to the Great Spirit, because you’re going to have cultivated those archetypal energies within you, right? And so as somebody who may not have whale as your animal spirit, you can then work in that field with the intention of cultivating that within you. And so, you know, regardless of how much affinity you feel towards it, I mean, most people really resonate with whale, right? Because whale is, like ina said, so heart centered, but with any animal spirit, if you’re like I want to cultivate this thing in me, right? My soul expression, okay, whale, my healing capacity, bear, right? We can do that. So with whale, it’s like this very profound capacity to live in the depths of the soul experience and to be ultra connected to your pod, your community, and beyond that, to the greatness, the vastness of Gaia and source itself.

I love all of that so much. And just hearing you say, you know that depth, it’s also whales go to the depths of the ocean like they are just inherently swimming in the deepest oceans, and from a place of peace, from a place of love, not from a place of fear, and being able to go to the bottom of the ocean and then being able to rise up and take a breath and jump out into the Air like they can go through all the stratospheres, as as an ocean, as an ocean creature that breathes air like just that, in of itself, is, is an amazing thing, the holding of the breath, the transmission of sound, the peacefulness, the slowness, like, as we’re talking here, just really getting that When you connect in with any kind of animal archetype, that the deeper you get with the message of the animal, the more medicine you get from it, the more understanding you get from it. For us, whale medicine is the energy of light language, because they hold so much record keeper wisdom that they transmit through sound that is not in language. It is in this soul song, emission coming through them that when you hear their song, there are things that shift in your body, like if you want to do deep healing work. Put the sound of whales in your ears, put on headphones and listen to the whale songs as you’re doing your internal work. And that, and of itself, is such healing medicine.

And if you’ve ever been in a place where whales are mating, for example, I remember being in Maui in February, in mating season of the humpback whales. And so, you know, this is a spot. And when you’re in this spot where it’s like this, you know, beautiful energy vortex on the planet, like there’s a reason that there’s such a pulsing energy there in Maui, and it’s this spot where all the whales migrate and come together to make love and to bring new life into the world. And so the experience is so powerful. I remember just putting my head underneath the water and being blown away by just, you know, even being in five feet of water, going underwater and just hearing the song of whales everywhere around me. Just, you know, I would just hold my breath for as long as possible, just to be in my own silence while listening to this reverberation of whale song, whale mating, whale calls. It’s profound and and when you’re up above water, around the rest of the world, you don’t realize the level of sound frequency transmission that is happening in the oceans, that is happening in this underworld. And that is why whales are such balancers of energy on the planet. And we don’t even realize how much. Much Love Healing transmission they are putting through the water waves globally, you know, putting this transmission in that is continually balancing the energy on the planet.

Yeah, that’s so beautiful. And just to realize, right, all of those harmonics that are just happening right along, you know, all throughout so much of the Earth’s surface, and how powerful that is, and how much that anchors the earth, right? And we’re receiving that all the time, whether we know it or not, we’re receiving the benefits of that. And, you know, there’s a piece here too about why are we bringing this through during llamas? Well, that’s really important. You know, in our school, we work with whale during this cycle, and it’s because of this component of expression llamas is that time of visibility, as we’ve been talking about this cycle, it is a time of being out there in the world, shining brightly and emitting your magnetism and like, really allowing the essence of you to spill out into the world. And that is really, when it comes to expression, that peace that whale so beautifully holds, and it’s an expression that is, gosh, I mean, it’s profoundly beautiful, and it’s profoundly healing, and it’s also, it’s not forced, it’s not, you know, tangled in emotional baggage and stuff. It’s an emission of pure heart. And so this is really about recognizing the beauty and the power of what is so true to your soul, like in your innate purity, like the purest essence of who you are, the thing that lights you up the most in the world, that comes directly from your highest self, that hasn’t been made wonky by being human, right, when you get into that thread that is just the truest you, that expression Is your soul song.

And when Janet and I channeled the curriculum or the Kairos healers Academy, the way the curriculum came through was following the cycles of the year. And in each cycle we have different archetypal energies. And so in llamas, the animal archetype that came through was whale, the deeper we go into the school, and the deeper we go into these archetypal energies, we just start to understand more and more why we work with these different specific archetypal energies during specific seasons. And one of the amazing things about whale is that it’s actually been said that whale carries the history of Mother Earth, and has been placed here by the ancients from the dog star Sirius. For those of you who have listened to our other podcasts, and those of you that know about Lion’s Gate, you know Lion’s Gate is that time where we are connecting in to the planet Sirius and to that star system. And that is when Earth is closest is receiving these messages. And so so it just so happens that this potent field of serious messaging connection, heightened telepathic, psychic skill communication is happening over the whole beginning of the opening of llamas, you know, around the first week in August, going to eight, eight and all of that. But so whale is such a beautiful energy for that Lion’s Gate time and for the activation of our psychic skills and telepathic gifts also, yes, so how do you work with whale medicine?

And as we dive into that, we want to give you just a brief overview of some of the bigger themes associated with whale medicine, so you can start to notice what lights you up like. Why would you want to work with whale medicine, right? So they’re wisdom holders. They are keepers of the codes. They have profound communication skills. They have a peaceful, heart centered strength. They support emotional and physical healing. They represent the unity of family and community. They are about listening to your own voice and following your own truth. They speak to divine rebirth and coming up for air in highly pressurized situations, the ability to cope and regain clarity. So if any of those like struck a chord in you, you know there’s that bit that this archetypal energy is summoning you, because remember to these archetypal energies, they really are. They are spirit guides, right? They are energies within source that have consciousness, and they will summon you so you can call on whale when you need courage to bring your voice forward, when you want more of your authentic expression, when you want to bring your soul song into the world, when you know that you already have the answers within you in your own records and. Own wisdom. Maybe you’re struggling to get there. Whale can really help you to connect to those and if you want to develop your light language, your toning, your drumming, these natural sounds of the body, instrument that are you. It’s amazing to work with whale medicine as you’re bringing sound, voice, body transmission, sounds into the world. I mean, it’s so much a part of your expression, of your soul song, of connecting into your North Star. That’s another piece of whale medicine that you can work with is whale has that whole migration system within them. They have a very, very, very dialed in internal GPS system. They follow their bodies innate cues and the sun’s cues, the Earth’s cues to know when to migrate north, to know when to migrate south. And so they are completely dialed into that energy of following your North Star. So you can also call on them when you want clarity on what direction to go.

Yeah, and North Star and authentic soul expression are so aligned, right? Because when we really get clear on our North Star and our inner GPS, which can be profoundly challenging. You know, it sounds a lot easier than it actually is, because we’ve been programmed and indoctrinated and led to believe that there are certain things that are acceptable, that will certain things that will yield success, and that there are a lot of these other things that those of us who are more right brained, intuitive, spiritual. You know, a lot of the areas that interest us, we’ve been led to believe won’t yield the fruits, right? Like, oh, there’s all these stories around how hard it is to make money in this area, and how, you know, weird people like us are and stuff like that. And, you know, it’s a lot to break through. And what we’ve noticed is that as people go through their spiritual awakenings, a lot of what they’re moving through is the deprogramming process. It’s like really pulling away all these layers of the things that you were told you needed to be and that you adopted and that you wore as a mask because you had to, you know, you had to get by in your life and to be accepted by your family, by your partner, by your group of friends. And so there’s this massive process in the awakening where you are actually like shedding and pulling back these layers. And so it can take a lot to actually get the thing that really lights you up.

So whale can be profoundly supportive during this time, because whale’s gonna help take you to the heart of the matter, into the depths of your own essence, and help to align that GPS with your North Star. And when you can start to feel the essence of your north star, then you can start to feel the bubbling up of the expression that goes with it, and they don’t have to 100% align. So I want to say very clearly, like you know, each person’s lifetime is a journey to a greater recognition of who you are as a spiritual energy incarnated into human form, and so you’re gonna learn so much and shift so much and transform so many times over the course of your lifetime. But as you get closer to that essence, you will start to notice that your expression starts to flow more easily, you know, I will say we still have to work on it to some extent, you know, because we are in this lifetime, part of our soul’s journey is to stretch and expand. And also it’s like, as we start to find that alignment, we start to be like, Oh, this is actually something I feel compelled to talk about, right? Like, maybe if you’ve been in a job that you haven’t liked for the past 25 years, you’re not feeling so lit up to talk about stuff. But when you’re like, oh my goodness, I found my thing, yes, when you’re in that space, then you’re like, oh, Soul song, yes. And when you find your soul song, generally, simultaneously, the Witch wound is going to rise up with it.

This is who I am, shut down and afraid to bring this into the world. So this is why whale medicine can support you so much in healing the witch wound. And we did talk about what the witch wound is in our last episode, episode 12, where we talked about the importance of your authentic voice and why it matters that you use it. And so just remember, if you’re in a process of connecting into your authentic self, bringing your expression to the world, and feeling all the fires of the witch wounding coming up. Whale medicine can really be your companion on this journey. It can really help you actually heal the witch wound. Whale medicine is a beautiful salve to go along with, with healing the throat chakra. Yeah, and so we do have a link for the free witch wound healing activation in the show notes for you, if you’d like to experience that free healing. And if you haven’t experienced light language and toning before, there’s a lot of it in the witch wound healing activation, so you’ll get to have the experience of that there.

I love that. Yeah. So what are some ways that you can work with animal medicine or work with whale medicine. You can meditate with these different archetypal energies. You can research them and really connect to them. Learn all. You can learn about them and really take in as a transmission those parts that resonate and that are supportive for you. You can connect with them in nature. Highly recommend this. And depending on what animal you’re working with, you know, most people can’t just, you know, walk out the door and connect with whales right at the beach. Some people can, but you can listen to whale song, right? So finding that part you know if your animal is right outside your door, if it’s a squirrel or a raven or whatever, like, connect with it in nature, interact with it as much as you can notice how nature communicates with you, what these different energies are bringing forward.

Because what happens is, when you make a choice of like, I really want to work with whale medicine, you will start noticing whale stuff all over the place. Or what also might happen is you might start seeing stuff all over like, Oh my God, I’ve seen 10 dragonflies in the last couple days, and somebody sent me a journal and it had a dragonfly on it. And then this other thing happened with dragonfly, and you’re being nudged. You are being nudged, if that happens. And then we also recommend working with oracle decks and with animal spirits. The one that we love the most is medicine cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson. It is a phenomenal Oracle deck, beautiful energy, profound insights, and then also the work of Ted Andrews. He has a book called Animal speak that is really beautiful, good stuff, whale medicine. I love working with these archetypal energies. In our next episode, we’re going to talk about the fall equinox and ways to celebrate it, and tuning into the energies of Maben as the Wheel of the Year is turning. So each week on this podcast, we share cyclical wisdom and practical tools and insights to support healers and intuitives to work with the seasons and archetypal energies as a process of awakening your gifts. So if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends. You can also follow Kairos healers Academy on Instagram or any other social media channel, like and subscribe.

Thank you so much for joining us on this episode of kairos wisdom keepers, where healers walk outside of time.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Heal your Witch Wounding: Scarcity, fear of self-expression, holding back and hiding – these are all manifestations of ancient persecution wounds that have been handed down through your lineage (both ancestral and soul) and through societal conditioning. Open your expression and release scarcity! Receive this powerful witch wound healing and activation for FREE: https://kairoshealersacademy.com/witchwound-healing/


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The information provided in this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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