What people have to say

Kairos Healers Academy by Janet Raftis & Ina Lukas - THE YEARLONG MAGICAL TRADE SCHOOL FOR THE HEALING ARTS Eclectic & Mystic Website Design by Val Frimon @WeirdTales Design Studio

“Being in a space of pure unconditional love -it’s powerful and life changing. Knowing what it’s finally like to be accepted for all parts of myself, as I stumbled and fell, broke down and broke open, to finally release and heal. To have the gift of knowing what it’s like to be in a functional family. To be truly SEEN and HELD. To also experience first hand and by example what it means to hold a Safe and Clean container. Baseline Safety and Unconditional Love! Being co-regulated as I healed my inner child and nervous system.”

Rhiannon Porter   
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium


“The experience of being held by Janet and Ina is unlike any other. They are so incredibly nurturing and loving, and yet have strong boundaries. I know I would not have been able to experience as much transformation as I experienced in any other forum with any other teachers. They are so much more than teachers and healers; they are deeply Spiritual women who are able to hold space for exploration into the depths of One’s Soul.”

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“The experience of being held by Janet and Ina is one of exploration, divination and evolution. I’ve felt a strong sense of belonging to the container they’ve created and nurtured. I simply adore learning from the both of them and feel inspired to bring my gifts to the world while witnessing their magic. I feel truly seen, heard and understood like never before in a teacher student relationship. I am honored to be in their presence.”

Sarah McCallum
Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker

“I love the experience of being held so securely, with such deep love and in such a container full of joy!! Each class makes me chuckle with joy, which is the infectious nature of the Janet & Ina duo! They are both magic makers of the highest order and are so deeply connected to the divine as channels and as healers- it is a true honour to be in their circle, under their instruction and loving wisdom! Thank you both for your love, dedication, passion and in-spiration!”

Kirsty Jandrell

“It’s the Mama Bear Energy I feel- strong, loved and understood.”

Emma Burton
Author, Healer, Coach

“The Kairos family is deep and strong. Any and every time I have had a challenge Janet, Ina and the entire sisterhood has been there for support. Even the times that I have felt so alone, when I finally reached out the container was there to support, encourage and help me along. I never felt alone.”

Elizabeth Holloway
Spiritual Advisor

“Being held in the community of KAIROS sisterhood is very unique and expansive. I feel my authenticity radiates here because we all understand one another. I feel deeply connected to these women and the journeys we are all experiencing. I am inspired and in awe of their strength, transparency, and vulnerability. Healing the sister wound has been a huge part of my time here at KAIROS. I am so grateful.”

Sarah McCallum
Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker

“Being held by like minded people without judgment is such a blessing. It allowed me to transform safely and grow in a way that I needed to.”

The White Light Holder

“Kairos sisters are a truly loving group of souls, each of whom has their own unique and magnificent blend of power and compassion. I have loved being a part of this special group and feel we all have a bond which has served us over many lifetimes. We are all here to make a positive impact on the world around us and pave the way for the emerging new earth.”

Kirsty Jandrell

“It is like no other! All of us together as Soul Sisters – cheerleading each other and understanding on a deep level. With no competition or scarcity.  Divine Growth and support with the ability to cry/laugh/squeeze and support.”

Emma Burton
Author, Healer, Coach

“Magical! Being in a space where you can both give and receive, to witness and be witnessed, is so powerful and beautiful. To feel the deeper threads that connect us all: that even though on the surface our story may hear or look different, but if you look and listen just a little deeper, you will see that we are all truly connected. I see myself in them as they see themselves in me. When they rise, I rise, When I rise, they rise. When I fall, they hold me. When they fall, I hold them. I wish words could do justice to describe the magic and love held in our Kairos sister circle.”

Rhiannon Porter   
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium


“The Kairos Sisters in this community were some of the most incredible women I have ever connected with. We all shared so much of ourselves, in our utmost vulnerability. We grew and laughed and cried and traveled together for the year through the ups and downs, the death and rebirths we each experienced along the way. The community was an integral part of my experience. I know I have made lifelong friends and developed a support network that will always be there for me.”

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“Kairos promised transformation and it DELIVERED – over and over and over again. Between the multi-faceted classes & curriculum, the weekly channeled healings, the support in network and within the circle, the 1 on 1 support with other sisters, the practicums and trainings, the Bonus activations and healings, the magical spell casting and syncing of sisters…. I am completely transformed from the inside out. I am a completely new person…. I actually feel superhuman, or like a new HYBRID. Or perhaps it’s that for the first time in my life, I am so FULLY in my body, so fully present and grounded, that it feels foreign and new. And yet, it is also the deep sense of HOME, something I have spent a lifetime searching and longing for, never realizing it was within me the whole time. I hold the space of both being so deeply connected with my spirit and accepting all parts of my human-ness. I am wholly, fully, deeply, truly, unapologetically ME.

This has impacted me in ALL areas of my life: how I show up as a mother, a wife/partner, a friend, a sister, an entrepreneur, a member of my community. How I am able to feel safe to be Visible, and brave to be vulnerable – because I am so deeply sourced and protected.

I was able to heal some very deep childhood trauma and wounds within this space. To open the door and share the deepest, darkest pieces of me I couldn’t ever face before. And being so held, so witnessed, and so loved during that time – truly means the world to me. That I could finally LET GO and release these, to finally be transmuted and healed. I quite literally was rebirthed in Kairos, having the honor to grow up again, within a lovingly co-regulated functional space. I was loved into wholeness. This will forever be my home in my heart.

I feel LIGHTER, physically, spiritually, energetically. It’s created capacity within myself, this spaciousness and roominess. It’s allowed a deeper connection to my gut wisdom center and my internal navigation systems, which means I can TRUST myself again. In releasing and healing, I’ve been able to deepen my spiritual gifts, and create a deeper connection and relationship with my spiritual guides and allies. It’s also allowed me to hold cleaner, safer, and deeper relationships within my own friend and family systems. And ultimately all of this means I get to show up that much wiser, deeper, cleaner, and powerfully for my clients and community.”

Rhiannon Porter 
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium

“Every area of my life has been impacted by being a part of Kairos. My goal in joining Kairos was to develop my intuitive gifts, find my unique magic and step into my calling to serve as a healer as my 2nd career. I did all of those things but also experienced tremendous personal transformation that I was not expecting. I dropped the mask and patterning I had been living with much of my life, to live more authentically, to live in alignment with who I truly am at a Soul level. I quit Corporate America and released the need to be important in that environment in order to do greater, more important work. My relationships have improved significantly (the ones that I chose to keep); they have a depth and transparency that was missing before. I overhauled my diet and am in much better physical health.  I have released so much toxicity, negativity, ancestral/ familial patterning; I really can’t even describe all of the levels of healing.  I am a very different person than I was a year ago.”

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“I’ve experienced massive personal transformation around money, wealth and abundance. I’ve recognized the old patterns that were inherited from family and ancestors and I’ve been able to heal a lot of the outdated thought processes. I’ve also grown massive in my belief around my gifts and psychic senses. My life has been impacted in wonderful ways but especially in my intimate relationships, boundaries and worthiness. I am learning to allow things to come and go easefully.”

Sarah McCallum
Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker

“Kairos has allowed me  to grow. I felt like a pink bud at the beginning, knowing I was going to grow. Then to have a vision later on that the bud has bloomed and the more I learned the more I grew. It was beautiful. Kairos has been the fertilizer that I needed to develop. Before I started this school, I felt lost and purposeless. Now I know who I am and what path I choose.

The thing about Kairos that is beautiful is that it makes ripple effects. Kairos not only changed me but it helped my husband, 4 kids, parents, siblings, family members, and friends. All because I decided to join Kairos and started to heal myself. Now those people that I effected are making a ripple effect on others around them. The ripple effect you create from joining Kairos goes far and deep. It’s a beautiful gift to give, a gift I never expected to give.”

The White Light Holder

“Profound. My spiritual journey has now become central to my life’s path in this incarnation! It permeates every aspect, in every moment of my day, which has enhanced the way I experience and create my reality. I also feel that some time very soon, my true life’s purpose will be revealed to me, something I have been seeking for so many years now. I now know for sure, that I am here on this earth at this present time, to help to affect positive change, and assist in spreading love, compassion and joy, and I eagerly await being shown more information on how this will play out, so that I may understand how I can truly be of service.

I have also been held to explore the grief process around personal traumatic events, which I had hitherto run away from!

I would also like to comment that I have grown in patience in my spiritual path, trusting that all will unfold in line with a higher plan, as and when the converging circumstances are aligned!”

Kirsty Jandrell

“Confidence in my Gifts. I have enjoyed trying new ways of doing things and loved how much my Psychic gifts are getting a chance to really grow. It makes me feel confident because I get a chance to practice and get feedback.”

Emma Burton
Author, Healer, Coach

“I’ve become more confident, bold, brave, calculated and “risky”. I’ve made a lot of changes in my business and in my life. But the biggest transformation for me has been getting to know and trust my psychic and intuitive skills.”

Jasleni Brito
Transformation Coach & Brand Strategist

“I feel that my intuitive skills have developed in leaps and bounds for many reasons. Firstly the trust and support that we receive from Ina & Janet. The ‘practicums’ where you get to experience real life practice in so many healing arts with your Kairos sisters in a safe, mutually supportive space, are not only so much fun, but priceless in terms of being able to trust your connections to spirit and the information that comes through! Personally, I have been ‘introduced’; to several of my spirit guides during these sessions, which is such a gift, after years of desiring this connection so much! I have also grown in confidence in my abilities to channel messages from spirit, and to facilitate healing to my beautiful sisters!”

Kirsty Jandrell


“After using my logical left brain in my career for so many years, I was terrified to lead with my intuition! The witch wound was HUGE with me. I had very little trust in my intuitive skills, they were “hit or miss” and I doubted the information I was receiving  The way the school is structured and the design of the Sister practicums is brilliant because over time I gained more and more confidence with each experience, all while being held and supported by Janet & Ina, and my Kairos sisters.“

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“100% stronger than the beginning! I didn’t know I had them before.”

Elizabeth Holloway
Spiritual Advisor

“My intuitive skills and trust have skyrocketed while being in Kairos. I remember at the start during practicums with my partners and we both didn’t really know what to do. But we tried and played, resulting in beautiful healings. Giving me confidence I didn’t have before.”

The White Light Holder


“I feel so much more confident in my intuition and intuitive skills, as they have grown and deepened within Kairos. I came in with a very rigid perfectionist patterning, of wanting the exact step by step formula. Even though I came in with some developed gifts and skills already, I found myself shy and hiding them, fearing they weren’t perfect or good enough.

I am leaving Kairos as a Confident, Empowered, Embodied, Intuitive Healer. I trust myself and my skills, I trust my spiritual guides and allies. I walk with the medicine of Jaguar, with deep integrity – for myself, my spiritual hygiene and practices, and for this path. I know that I will always be a student in this life, and am open to receiving and learning, as I embrace the flow of life. I have a strong structural support system and foundation in place (thanks to Kairos) to guide and support me. I am sourced and supported, always and in all ways.”

Rhiannon Porter
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium

“My KNOWING comes through my ability to SEE what may not be so obvious to others. I have always had this gift and for many years (as a child and young adult) I thought this was a curse. Now more than ever I see this is not something to be afraid of, this is something to be embraced.”

Jasleni Brito
Transformation Coach & Brand Strategist

“The money piece and healthy boundaries played a big role in taking my business to the next step. Integrity is key here and I realized how much energy was leaking when I overextended myself in order to please others. Walking alongside Jaguar I am able to make mindful choices for the best of all involved. I no longer sacrifice my well being in order to make money. Real wealth comes from a deep understanding of your own boundaries and a love of self. I am open to receiving all of the abundance that is meant for my evolution in this lifetime. This is a hugely valuable lesson.”

Sarah McCallum
Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker

“I feel supported. I didn’t even have a business before Kairos. But Janet and Ina give you so many tools to be successful, you can’t fail.”

The White Light Holder


“After using my logical left brain in my career for so many years, I was terrified to lead with my intuition! The witch wound was HUGE with me. I had very little trust in my intuitive skills, they were “hit or miss” and I doubted the information I was receiving  The way the school is structured and the design of the Sister practicums is brilliant because over time I gained more and more confidence with each experience, all while being held and supported by Janet & Ina, and my Kairos sisters.”

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“This has increased massively. The depth of knowledge around sacred business establishment, and especially in creating the most favourable abundance mindset before taking action, has been mind-blowing. I now know that when the time is right to launch, whole-heartedly and with integrity into my sacred work, this grounding will lay the solid foundations of a fun, impactful and sustainable sacred business!”

Kirsty Jandrell

“I feel confident and excited in creating and running my sacred business. I walk with medicine of Jaguar, with deep integrity – for myself, my spiritual hygiene and practices, and for this path. I respect myself and my boundaries, as well as those of my clients.

The money/wealth healing has been so so instrumental to this process. There is so much tied up in the energetics of “money” – worth, value, self esteem, power dynamics. Healing my relationship with money has healed my relationship with my own sense of self worth. That I inherently hold value. That I am worthy and loved. That I am willing and deserving to be paid for my services, that is alignment with my skills and services. That I deserve to be abundantly supported while I do the work that I love. Healing myself out of the martyr, victim mindset into full Sovereignty!

It’s also directly affected my voice and my ability to Express, both written and verbally. Healing decades and lifetimes of trauma and suppression/oppression around my voice and my message. Being able to clearly and confidently speak my truth, and allow these beautiful channeled messages and healings to flow through me and out into the world….. I’m still so amazed, and deeply grateful!”

Rhiannon Porter
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium

“Being in integrity, jaguar medicine, has been HUGE for me because it has literally pushed me to either initiate or terminate projects, relationships, ideas, etc, according to whether it is integrity with my higher purpose. This has been very valuable to me in that it has helped me live and operate in my truth. I don’t know that you can place a value on that, on something so massive. I’ve also stepped more into abundance – this is something I aim to continue growing into but I feel better equipped than before.”

Jasleni Brito
Transformation Coach & Brand Strategist


“The business portion of Kairos has been the most beneficial to me. It helped me to get motivated and dive in, it helped me to develop who I wanted to work with and attract to me. It helped me to have the confidence to work with a business coach and website developer. It helped me to step outside of my box and to step out into my community to collaborate and to gain visibility. Kairos gave me infinite ideas on how “get out there” and be seen and heard!”

Emily Grey Mattocks
Vibrational Sound Bowl Healer, Intuitive Energy Healer and Reiki Master

“I’d tell them to jump in and enjoy the ride! Kairos wakes you up in the most invigorating and refreshing manner. The journey of KAIROS will wake you up to all that has been lying dormant. Psychic senses come alive, boundaries strengthen and your life shifts in massively beautiful ways.
Alongside you are your sisters all going through similar yet uniquely different evolution processes. The world around you begins to shift in profound ways. Magic seems to pop up around every corner. Growth is an absolute guarantee in KAIROS. If that is what you’re seeking, this is for you!”

Sarah McCallum
Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker


“Don’t just jump off the fence, take a running leap and DIVE off of the fence into the Kairos Community. They were always there to catch me, hold me, love me no matter what I was experiencing. They will catch you too. This was one of the best, most valuable and most important experiences of my life. It has literally changed my entire life and for that I am so grateful.”

Jill Brooks
The Spiritual Accountress

“Last year when I was on the fence about joining Kairos (issues around money – investing in myself and the worthiness around that) – when I thought about not joining, I could literally feel my soul weep. I had never felt a visceral soul deep reaction like that before. And I just knew, this was something sacred and special to listen to and to follow.

So I’d ask you this – what is it costing you to not join? What does it cost you not to follow your soul’s purpose and deepest desires? What does it cost you to not be healed, supported, sourced, confident, embodied, magical, and fucking powerful?!”

Rhiannon Porter
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium

“I barely hesitated when signing up. I could feel in my body that this was for me. Since I signed up early, I got the bonus retreat which really shifted my business into the right direction.”

The White Light Holder

“If you are reading this, your soul is being summoned by the beauty and magic of Kairos. Be still and listen to your soul! Then, take inspired action! “

Kirsty Jandrell

“It’s amazing!  It’s like no other training I have ever experienced. It’s multi level – business & lots of Woo.”

Emma Burton
Author, Healer, Coach

“Listen to your body. You’ll get the answer from the way you feel!”

Elizabeth Holloway
Spiritual Advisor

“If you’re looking for a community of like minded healers to explore different healing modalities, to dive deeper into your personal healing and to gain business knowledge then your looking in the right place!”

Emily Grey Mattocks
Vibrational Sound Bowl Healer, Intuitive Energy Healer and Reiki Master

“I’m just so incredibly grateful to you both Janet and Ina. For all of the experiences it took for you both to create this magical place called Kairos. To send out the call, and gather in the sisters and healers, who walk through time.
I’m so honored and proud, and humbled, to be part of the first year launch! What an amazing, magical, transformational, soul filling, body connecting, out of this world experience this year has been.
My life is forever changed, I am forever changed. “I forgot. I remembered. I rose.” Thank you for allowing me to break down and break open, to heal, and to rise…. for lifting me up, so that I could Re-Member who I am.
What a gift you both are. I sit in awe and joy at the many many lives you have already changed and will continue to touch and change, as you stand unapologetically and powerfully in your truth. Deep Deep bow and love to you both: to the wisdom keepers, the guides, the Creatrix and the Sorceress, the Goddess embodied.
Thank you doesn’t feel like enough to say, so I hope my love sent through here can fill in the rest. I will strive to be the best version of myself, and honor the guidance and wisdom you have shared and embodied here within Kairos. I love you both so much.”

Rhiannon Porter
Intuitive Healer, Mystical Channel, and Psychic-Medium

other reviews...

“What can I possibly say about working with Janet and Ina? The experience really defies description. It’s such an otherworldy experience, in the best way possible. It’s like entering another dimension that is connected in the here and now to a timeless realm of powerful women across the ages that met in healing and in ceremony, in connection to the moon and the earth. I can literally feel the presence and power of that sisterhood.

And in THAT context, Janet and Ina, as finely tuned and devoted conduits of the divine, weave a journey intimately connected to spirit, to source, to the goddess, to the earth. And what can possibly happen in THAT process?! Amazingness. Magic. Deep and profound healing. Anything holding you back, anywhere that there is a lack of self love, can be seen, witnessed, and held in this powerful loving container, which gives it space to transform.

I have been able to experience breakthroughs of some deeply held patterns without trying! The power of the intention and the love just brings it up and whatever you need to move through it, is there. So amazing! Janet and Ina’s love for each other is clear, which creates an amplified field of love for magic to happen. Their work is different enough, but complementary enough, that the whole ends up being WAY more than the sum of its parts. And when you add in the group of women that show up in sisterhood! Holy potent sacred container!

Janet and Ina have a way of weaving magic together, and I am profoundly grateful for them creating these beautiful, powerful, magical healing experiences.”

“What an amazing experience this workshop was. The gratitude grows and grows as I live reenergized, realigned, reimagined daily. This was a sacred experience that I will hold dear forever. I am still finding the words to express…”

“That activation was life affirming and life altering all at the same time. I am forever transformed.”

“Janet and Ina, your workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. I cannot thank you enough for all you put into it for us!! I am reeling from the benefits of today and will be forever, I am sure. Thank you for changing my life and helping me to step into my power.”

“Ina and Janet, you two are a dynamic duo! You ladies are beyond amazing...my mind, heart and spirit have been blown wide open in such a powerful and life changing way. I’m full of fire, love and inspiration! I’m still integrating so much and the gratitude I have for both of you and the work you bring to this world is so huge in every way! Thank you with ALL of my heart.”

“Yesterday’s potent Red Tent Healing Temple is the most incredibly profound circle experience I’ve ever had. It felt like being home after millennia...I am grateful, blessed and honored to have been present. I look forward to future Red Tent experiences with Janet and Ina.”

“Janet and Ina, that session was INSANE. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced an activation that intense before in my entire life. It was a total game changer.”

“I just did the equinox activation again and I have to say Janet and Ina, y’all are some powerful, fierce ladies. Thank you for what you do; I mean that on the deepest level. I’m so grateful I found you.”

"Um wow!!! That was incredibly amazing !! How in the F!&$ Do you ladies do that??? I mean seriously! Hooowwww? You two are something beyond amazing! I LOVE it when you come together! Outta this world! Thank you!!!!"

“OMG, I loved every single minute of it. What a powerful combo. This was life-changing and worth the time and investment. I just want more, more, more! THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING WEEKEND! This was my first retreat ever and it's only upward from here. I can't wait for the next one in Peru and beyond. I love you both!”

“Holy SOULar Powered Activation! Janet and Ina ~ what can I say ladies?!?! You knocked it out of the cosmos with this activation!! I was so charged & filled & activated & changed!”

“This was my first experience with you and it was powerful. I laughed, I cried, I started the work on feeling some things from childhood and more recently and the process of letting go. My body was vibrating and tingling. I felt the light and the energy. Thank you so much. I really needed this.”

“OMG!!! Can we talk about that witch wound activation?!?! Seriously, it was THE most potent activation I have EVER experienced! I cried my eyes out! Like intense heavy, fearful crying and lots of coughing. I had an image of me getting my head cut off come up... The lifetimes of persecution!! But wow, you ladies did an AMAZING job settling our nervous systems afterwards. Even though the release was INTENSE, I felt very safe afterwards and was able to fully relax into my body. Seriously, so much gratitude to you both, Janet and Ina. You are such Divine magic makers!!!”

"Holy shit! That was incredible! You both are incredible world changers and I love you so much!"

“I seriously loved every single minute of that workshop! The two of you work so well together, like you’ve been doing these together forever! Like magic! This was mind blowing. I can't even believe that I was on the fence about coming. I would have been so upset if I hadn't come! I 100% believe that the two of you should continue to do these together as much as you can. I CANNOT wait to go to Peru with you two! I feel so blessed that I'm able to give myself such a gift! Thank you for such an amazing weekend!!!”

“WHOA WITCH ACTIVATION!!! Janet turned into a singing bowl, or y'all playing bowls maybe?! I was a bunch of different animals and I hissed and cackled at my oppressors for thinking they could erase me. I can't even remember half of what I went on during that. It was uber potent. I move my body AND my voice in SO MANY ways and so many new ways. It was Glorious! I started my day this way and then had THE BEST day I have had in a WHIIIIILE! Many thanks ladies!!! ”

Launching with the Cycles BUNDLE

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles 

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles