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Cyclical Wealth Creation

Unlock the secrets of Cyclical Wealth Creation with us in this episode of the Kairos Wisdom Keepers Podcast. Discover how tuning into seasonal energies can transform your approach to wealth, from financial abundance to holistic well-being. By understanding the wealth wisdom embedded in each season, you can create a life of ease and fulfillment rather than struggle.

Explore how our ancestral DNA influences our perception of abundance and learn practical ways to align with these natural cycles. We’ll guide you through the seasonal wealth codes, highlighting the importance of balancing productivity with rest.

Dive into the full episode below, watch the video clip, and read the transcript to start integrating these transformative practices into your life.



This is such a good topic. So we’re going to start off with the wealth wisdom of each season because each cycle really holds its own codes, imprint, energetics template of wealth and there is wisdom in this that we can tap into and utilize to our benefit. And when we really tap into the wealth wisdom of each cycle, what happens is that we can actually create a more abundant and fulfilling life through ease rather than through struggle or pushing. And so here’s a general overview of the seasonal wealth codes. Winter is our fallow time. It is a time of and regeneration. This is a time when we recharge our batteries. Spring is fertility, expansiveness, planting seeds in Ostara and then pollinating them in Beltane. It’s in season of play, of friskiness. Summer is the season of pregnancy, tending to our creations, nurturing the blooms. And then fall is our harvest time. We actually get to reap everything that we’ve been tending to since spring. And once we reap them, then that helps us go back into that fallow time, that time of regeneration. We have now accumulated and we can rest. those seasons and that cyclical nature can follow your financial flow. It can follow your energetic flow. That’s how Mother Gaia shows us the energetics of currency and the importance of productivity and the importance of rest, the importance of harvesting and the importance conception and creation. So these cycles happen throughout the year. The most dominantly expressed are going to be in northern hemispheres or southern hemispheres. It’s a little different along the equator, but these are the cycles of life and death, the cycles of production.

I worked in the horticultural field for 25 years and for a good chunk of those years, I was self having my own landscape companies and a perennial nursery and was very, very involved in vegetable production, all different. I I worked in so many different aspects of horticulture. And for any of you that have worked in the horticultural field, and especially if you’ve owned your own business in it, you know that the money follows the cycles of the season because you are making, you’re making bank in summer and fall. The summer to fall harvest season is so important because that’s where the fruits of your labor are really coming in and you’re making the most money. And when you go into winter, your income comes to a standstill depending on where you’re located in a very Northern climate. Winter is a time to find other opportunities for income. But that seasonal cycle of the slowness, the death process that happens in winter, going into spring where you’re coming out of starvation, essentially, you’re coming out of this fallow period, and then you need to actually have the financial reserves to put into your spring plants, your spring crops, but you won’t see the money back from it for a while. So you need to make bank on your summer and fall crops in order to have the stores that you need to make it through the winter, whether that’s financial stores just food. So when we think about our ancestral DNA, this survival energy in cold climates is very stored in our nervous system where the planting and the harvest really, really matters because it’s what is going to get us through the winter. I love too that you brought in that expression, the fruits of our labor, right? There is actually a time to experience that and it is associated in the harvest time. You know, it’s such a profound thing to start to live this way. Now, we completely understand that so many people in today’s world work nine to five and so we are working throughout the year, right? We do have to adjust that, but as Ina said, like so much of this is in our ancestral DNA and if we can start to understand the gifts of that as well as the challenges and the remaining, you know, trauma within us.we can really begin to work with it in a conscious way that allows us to access the wealth codes of every season and every cycle. 

And one of the reasons we need to do this is because we’ve gotten so out of sync with it because we have the stored trauma response of the scarcity in the winter, we have this almost trauma response to winter of like pushing through. We are in this place now where in the Northern Hemisphere, our holiday season is in the time when we are supposed to be resting. And so people are pushing themselves. They’re working harder. They’re working extra hours. They’re going to a lot of parties. They’re out and about in a time when naturally we would be resting in our society today. It’s like we’re living a perpetual summer. And that is just not sustainable on a biological level for us. It’s probably very strongly correlated to why we have so much adrenal fatigue and symptoms of dis -ease that are associated with overproduction, right? The year -long overproduction that eventually wears us down. Toxic productivity. Yeah. That comes from a feeling of deep scarcity. And it really does come from a trauma response where we feel this survival mode need to keep going, which actually causes harm instead of just allowing ourselves to have the deep winter, to the deep rest to slow down in our own form of hibernation, which is why we talk about working with the cycles, which is why our wisdom keepers podcast really is about getting more in sync with the cycles. 

And we want to talk about what true wealth creation is because true wealth creation, yes, there’s a financial aspect to it. We live in a society and a time and place where we do need money for for so much of our ability to live in our current society. The financial piece is one important aspect of it. 

But when we’re talking about true wealth creation, we really want to honor what the ecosystem of abundance is itself. We’re talking about the wealth of rest and sleep, the wealth of recovery, the wealth of play, the wealth of satisfying and productivity because there is deep satisfaction when you’re doing what you love and when you’re outside nature working with plants, animals, know, or whatever it is. Maybe it’s your artistry or your music creation that there is that deep sense of satisfaction that comes with being productive. And it’s okay to work hard when you’re just lit up and on fire with what you’re doing. Like that is true wealth is loving the work that you’re creating. Right.

Yeah, I love that you just said satisfying productivity, right? Because that’s so different than struggle based productivity. And so much of when we work against the cycles is based in that scarcity struggle paradigm, right? But when it’s satisfying hard work, and it’s done at the appropriate time in the Gaia cycle, lunar cycle, your cycle, then you can actually tap into this space where you may be working hard, but you’re not overextending yourself, right? You’re in that place of satisfaction where that work is actually nourishing you because it is filling you up rather than being on that tipping point of being over, right? That overextension that is so common and so valued, right? It’s a productivity that is actually valued in our society. This is a type of wealth that is not sustainable. It has a limit, it has a cap on it. Yeah, it’s so true. And there’s a nuance to finding the work that you love that is regenerative, that fuels you which is why being out in nature is such a beautiful part of it because it’s a natural battery. It’s a natural place to plug into. There’s also the abundance of wellbeing and health, the overwhelming abundance that comes when your body feels good, when you’re in a state of physical wellbeing. And there’s also the wealth of relationship and community and the amazing ecosystem of that surrounds you in your communities. 

There is so much wealth in local community in that currency flow of your local producers, your local vendors, your local farmers market, people, regeneration of local economy. Like that is all part of the wealth infrastructure and it may be the exchange of money, but it also may the wealth of neighbors that come together and you have garden parties and, know, barn raising kind of work exchange, labor exchange, where you’re supporting each other in that abundance of our physical support going into community support, relational support. Yeah. And there’s so many types of wealth. 

And what we’ve really noticed is that when you tap into these cycles, this is a very regenerative way of living, right? It is a type of living that supports your constant evolution, but it’s evolution through that process of what we can even go back to like the triple goddess, which is birth, life, death, and then rebirth, right? 

There’s these three phases, the three phases of the moon. And when you actually like tap into those phases, what you notice is the regeneration is just as important as the birth and the life, right? Like every part of that cycle holds such value. And even if you are a person who works a nine to five job, and so your 40 hour work week looks the exact same in the winter as it does in the summer, then what you can start tuning into is like, well, how can I around that container How can I honor the cycles within me? Instead of pushing outward in the time that I’m outside of work, how can I get more rest during the winter? How can I honor the need to hibernate in a way that still works with my schedule? Because we do understand, this is 2024. It’s not the year 900 CE. It’s not? So it is different. Right. And we have to honor that we can find ways of honoring the cyclicity of life, even in the way that we live now. And once we start to do this, what will happen is that you’ll start to find more ease. And even if you think like, I’ve got a locked income, right? Okay, this, this doesn’t really pertain to me, what pertains to you and all the ways that Ena just laid out, but it also pertains to you because what will happen is you may find as you drop into this way of living that financial resources seem to pop up opportunities seem to come up while you’re in that creation cycle, you might come up with a really great idea for some extra income that you can then cultivate when your energy levels are higher and that will continue to produce income for you when your energy levels are lower and you’re in that rest state because it’s you start to actually your cycle starts to mimic the cycle of Gaia in a very natural and ease filled way. 

We’re talking about wealth creation that is specific to you, to your own human design to your own wealth DNA that’s based on your own values and your own needs. And that is so important because for some of Time is one of the most sacred things, know, lots of downtime, lots of spaciousness. That’s a life of abundance or an abundance of support and having people help you out. And, know, as Janet was saying, even on a fixed income, there are so many ways that support systems can come in that create more time, that create more ease, where people are giving you things. Just in the moment that you need composted horse manure, someone’s like, hey, I’m cleaning out my stall and I have some really nice compost horse manure and I happen to have a truck and I can just drive it right over to you.

Yeah, right. Like that is this type of magic.That happens when you’re really tapped into cycles, right? Because synchronicity becomes much more common. And as a part of the fabric of the universe, you start to really surrender into being a part of the fabric of the universe. And then the universe is just responding to you in these very magical ways because you’re not in struggle anymore. You’re not pushing against yourself any longer. You’re just open. You are becoming the cycle yourself. And so the cycles respond to you. You’re in this beautiful, interactive communication and dialogue with the wisdom of the cycle. And so the opportunities of the cycle and the gifts of the cycle show up for you and you’re able to see them and receive them. Just makes me think on such a simple level this spring.

I had a bunch of dead trees taken down and I had a crew here that had a tree shredder. And so I knew that there was going to be so, so much bark mulch produced from this that I did not need all of it by any means. And so I texted my neighbor and I was like, hey, I’ve got a tree crew here. Do you need any bark mulch? And she was my God, I was literally just about to Google bark mulch because I was just like, please, need, know, she needed a lot of bark mulch. And I was like, no problem. The tree guys are just going to drive it up and dump it in her yard. Like that’s magic, right? Like that’s true abundance. I know, you know, she’s up there going, I need.

I need bark mulch and I’m down here going, have so much bark mulch, I don’t know what to do with it. So we just move it up the road. And that’s like an amazing currency exchange of so much happiness. because it really is like we are a part of the ecosystem, but we have forgotten that, right? So all of this is about surrendering into the cyclical living, which is us as a part of the ecosystem. so Ina and her neighbor are an ecosystem, right? And The ecosystem was just working its magic in that way that it will when we’re tapped into that field. I love that so much. And just thinking too, you touched on this about how we all have our own wealth codes as well. And so we really want to honor that, is that we tend to follow this cyclical rhythm.

And also, we all have really unique wealth codes that are alive within all of us. And this will be shown to you through your Enneagram, your human design, through your astrological archetypal energies, jinkies, like all of the things, right? So we can have these understandings. And also intuitively, you probably know what really lights you up in wealth creation. it may be that you actually have a very dynamic wealth creation during the wintertime, but maybe it could even be more dynamic by allowing it to be done through this greater lens of rest. And so you can start to tap into, like you could be the one that holds like the quilting committee at your house during the winter months, right? When everybody’s like snuggled around the fire and quilting like they did, you know, back when and in some places still do.

So it’s like starting to understand your wealth codes and how your wealth codes interact with the cycle and how they interact with the lunar cycles as well. Yeah.

So let’s talk about how lunar cycles impact you. we’re not just talking about seasonal cycles here. know, every 28 days, the moon is going through its own cycles and it’s moving through all of the signs, it’s moving through fire signs, water signs, air signs, earth signs. And you’re going to have your own unique relationship to the moon and the signs that it’s moving through. Like for example, Janet and I, we thrive in fire moons. We love them. Fire moons are when we’re like, we’re just in our creative outward.

You know, this is one we like to promote where we like to be visible because there’s just so much energy that we get from fire moons. During a water moon, like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, you just may want to rest and cry.

Or you may be really tapped into your intuition and your psychic skills and you may be going deep into the underworld and into your emotions at that time. And you can really work with this in your daily life and in your business too, working with these cycles. During air moons, you may want to write and have conversations and big ideas, know, that Aquarius energy, Libra energy. These are the Gemini where you’re more up in the head, up mental or during an Earth moon like Virgo and Capricorn, you may feel like getting shit done. Taurus, those are the moon energies where you’re you’re just you’re crossing off your to -do list. You’re moving through the things and you just feel that really earthly kind of productive energy. so you’ll notice that even within other cycles, right? 

So during summer, when you’re very outward and magnetic and in the pregnancy phase, you’re still going to have these times where you’re like, actually just want to lie on the couch with a really good book and chill.

And during the middle of winter, you might be like, Whoa, I’ve got a lot of creative energy today, you know, like, yeah, because it’s, know, a Sagittarius moon. And that always brings out my creative side. So, you know, recognizing, like, you don’t have to force yourself, you know, to sit and rest every single day of winter, but that the overall theme of winter is going to be allow yourself that regeneration and then respond as well to the cycle within the cycle of I am feeling super creative today, right? What am I going to do with that energy? 

And so you start to notice cycles are a very cyclical, spiral experience, right? And we are interfacing with so many fields of consciousness and awareness, right? So noticing how these energies braid together, how they weave, and how you can actually become this powerful weaver. of your life and your experience by tapping into the way that these cycles work together and the way that they work themselves on you and through you. Including your menstrual cycle. When you’re ovulating, that’s the time to be out there, to be visible, to be magnetic. When you’re bleeding, when you’re having your period, that’s the time where you’re resting and really going inward and slowing

So you’re going to be having your menstrual cycles through the summer season, through the winter season. And that’s the beauty is when you start connecting more with the seasonal cycles, the lunar cycles, your own menstrual cycles, your own annual solar cycles, all of them are like Russian nesting dolls you know, or like a series of concentric circles where they’re all sinking and pulsing together. And the more in sync you are with all of these levels of cycles within you, like it may sound overwhelming, but really it’s not when you just start tuning into your own intuition and slowing down and listening to the cycles within you, the cycles around you. 

Can’t express enough the impact of what happens In every area of your life, when you start honoring the cycles within you and the cycles around you, because this is what we’ve been pulled out of in our modern, productive, patriarchal society, is this disconnection cycle. So all of this is just plugging back in, becoming more connected to who we are and how we’re living in sync with nature.

Yeah. And for those of us who do live in societies that are very production focused, primarily in the West, and because this isn’t true for everyone, but in these places that are really focused on this, know, unplugging, divesting from that to some extent is a form of radical rebellion because we were in under these dynamics that are at play right now. We were very intentionally separated from You know, to separate us from Gaia was to separate us from our power in many, ways. Toxic overproductivity is exhausting in the long run, and it keeps us on the hamster wheel. It keeps us busy enough and tired enough, ultimately, that we question the status quo, that we don’t do our own work, that we don’t take the time to nurture our spiritual connection. So when we actually divest from this system to the extent that we’re able, we regain our power because we regain that intuitive spiritual connection that reminds us it’s a remembrance, right? A coming back together of our wholeness of how powerful we truly are. And we are so powerful when we are in this very conscious co -creation with Source and with the Earth. Yeah.

Okay, since we’re in the Letha, the summer solstice cycle right now, we just want talk a bit about the specific wealth creation energies of Lethe itself. We talked a little bit about this in episode four, creating cyclical rituals with Gaia. And we also talked about the abundance energy of the summer solstice in episode two. So if you want to listen to those to get a deeper and richer understanding of it, check those out. But so here we are in summer. This is the time of High sunlight. is the most productive time of the year. Mother Nature is on overdrive right now. She’s making everything so green. She’s growing all the apples and the fruits and you know, everything is in this peak season of productive energy. It coincides with the element of fire and outwardness, movement, transmutation like powerful energy of being outward. Yeah, that outwardness, there’s a playfulness to it, right? It’s like being out in nature, plugging into the battery pack of the sun and Gaia and getting really energized by the light. You don’t need as much sleep the days are longer.

We actually have more sunlight, which is the indicator. You don’t need as much rest. We are going to be making more cortisol than we should be making in the winter when we should make more melatonin, because the nights are longer. This is a time when the sun is at its peak. Your body is taking in vitamin D and storing it to you in those months when you don’t do that, right? Once the light gets down below a certain degree, your body cannot create vitamin D within it anymore. This is also a time of like deep magnetism and visibility, right? Like this is the time to do the outward activities, the time to really be in the world, right? And be that like vibrant, bright, abundant self. Yeah. And you know, this is a time of being sun kissed of being in bathing suits and summer dresses and little clothing. So literally more of you is showing in summer. You’re more visible. You are more visible in summer. Your skin is exposed. Like this is the time of being seen in all of your beauty, in all of your gorgeous glory. You’re not hiding away under, piles of winter clothes. You’re running around letting people see your beautiful self.

And it really is a time of like heightened vitality, right? We tend to have a lot of life force energy flowing through us during the summer months. And we also get that same thing from the fruits and vegetables that are common, that grow in that bloom and that are harvested during this time. know, they have a higher, a lot of them have a higher sugar content even because we’re burning more energy. We’re working that sugar through us. Whereas in the winter, That’s not the case. So we can see too how nature and us as an ecosystem, as a part of nature’s ecosystem, how all of this has been agreed upon and it was working for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

And now as we’ve gotten into that perennial summer, where we can get all those fruits and vegetables year round because they’re coming from South America or somewhere in the Southern hemisphere, how our system can get a little off kilter with that. And so this piece about really aligning and attuning, isIt’s a holistic approach. This has been a lifelong process, really, this process of connecting more deeply into the cycles. And it’s becoming more and more important for all of us than ever. Since Janet and I run our Kairos Healers Academy, that’s our year -long school that’s based on the cycles, we have been teaching cycles and more deeply living them ourselves because it’s the world that we’re immersed in. And it really, truly amaze me how in the energy of summer, I am working many hours a day outside barefoot, working in my gardens, and I can be sweating and shoveling and digging, and I can be tired at night from all of the physical labor. of working in the gardens. And I always think, you know, like, I’m so tired, I’m to need extra rest. And the truth is, I sleep less and am more energized and I wake up in the morning. And as soon as I get outside and I’m barefoot in the sun, all the sun, that energy is there again, where I just want to mulch my strawberries. I just want to move this over there. I want to transplant. I want to dig this thing out. I want to build this wall. And it’s this overflow of energy that’s not coming from I have to or I need to muscle through. I can feel the energy of Gaia moving through me and it’s like this battery pack of desire to create, a desire to grow, a desire to produce, to produce beauty, to produce food, to produce the nourishment from my eyeballs as I’m landscaping my yard and it doesn’t tire me out. My body’s moving, I’m feeling all that energy and my soul is simultaneously getting so deeply nourished. And that is the power of the summer solstice. That’s the power of this energy. It’s regenerative. It’s regenerative abundance that happens this time of year.

So we do have a free summer solstice abundance ritual PDF. We’re going to put that link in the notes if you’d like to deepen your abundance process in the summer solstice cycle. Remember that we do cyclical activations on every point of the wheel of the year

Also follow us, Kairos Healers Academy on Instagram or any other social media channel. Like and subscribe. Thank you so much for joining us on this episode of the Kairos Wisdom Keepers, where healers walk outside of time.


Resources mentioned in this episode:

Summer Solstice Activation. Join us for a powerful healing experience to celebrate the Summer Solstice Cycle. Connect with the transformative energy of this sacred time and embrace your creative manifestation powers.

FREE Summer Solstice Ritual PDF. Download our complimentary guide to performing a meaningful Summer Solstice cycle ritual. This PDF provides detailed steps to help you harness the solstice’s energy to amplify your desires.


Subscribe to the Kairos Wisdom Keepers Podcast.


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Launching with the Cycles BUNDLE

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles 

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles