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The Academy

Healer welcome home!

The world is navigating an unprecedented set of challenges. Systems are crumbling. There is confusion, fear, loss of hope all around.  People are trapped in an illusion and suffering.

But there is always an antidote. There is always healing.
We are in the midst of a massive awakening.

And people are turning to healers and intuitives en masse as they seek to understand themselves, their bodies, and their purpose.

Healers with integrity and whole new skill sets are being summoned for this great awakening.
If you have felt the calling of the healer, the shaman, the witch, the creatrix, the prophet…

Your time is now

Your ability to heal, divine, and channel the essence of Source wisdom is being summoned.
Your capacity to heal is your superpower.

And your superpowers are what will help save the world.

If you have been feeling the call to the healing and intuitive arts, it’s time to grab your wand and get to work.

 We invite you into KAIROS, an ancient wisdom school to which you already belong.

Hidden within the spiral of existence, we’ve journeyed together before.
There’s an inner knowing, an impulse, activating Healer Codes within you.

Your soul knows it and is calling you home.
Your soul has brought you here.

We’ve circled together before… in sacred sites and holy lands…gathering in ritual and ceremony.

You’ve developed your skills as a healer, shaman, priestess, witch, sorceress, wizard, bruja, oracle, medicine woman, seer, truth teller, and knower throughout many lifetimes and these re-membrances are ready to be awakened.

Kairos is a consciousness that has existed across millennia, of which you are already a part. Within this spiraling multidimensional consciousness are healing codes, gifts and skills that are yours to be remembered and received.

They are already in your soul lineage and are unique to you.

They are of you – and now is the time to activate them to their fullest potential

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The KAIROS Healer’s Academy is a sacred container that holds the activated field of magic for you to fully receive your gifts.

But in order to do so, you must step out of linear time {Chronos} into cyclical/soul time {Kairos} and back into the ancient wisdom ways of being connected to the rhythms of the earth and of your body.

In KAIROS, you will:

flying dragon
The KAIROS Healer’s Academy is a year of deep self exploration and radical transformation in which you will be taken through a comprehensive training to become a professional healer who is able to work in full integrity with Spirit and your divine gifts, while being prosperous and financially supported in your healing trade.

Our year-long journey is a spiral and the curriculum is a series of nested concentric circles, held unto one another like the rings of a tree.

“OMG, I loved every single minute of it. What a powerful combo. This was life-changing and worth the time and investment. I just want more, more, more! THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING WEEKEND! This was my first retreat ever and it's only upward from here. I can't wait for the next one in Peru and beyond. I love you both!”

Every six weeks, as the wheel turns through each Solstice, Equinox and cross-quarter days, you shift into a new set of deepening curriculum (8 wheels) that align with the shift in season.

time in

There are 3-5 hour long classes/week for three weeks of every month. The fourth week is for rest, integration and to catch up on anything that you need to get done.

Expert Teachers

The classes are taught by Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas, with a team of over 30 guest teachers that are experts in their respective fields.


One required text each cycle deepens your understanding of the Healing Powers cycle’s topic.

zoom in

All classes are held virtually on Zoom and recorded so that you can watch them as you desire. Classes are held predominantly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with Sacred Scribe and Wealth rituals on Mondays.


You work with other students in regular practicums to develop your healing and intuitive skills.

be a healer

You have the opportunity to become a Certified KAIROS Healer, if you so choose.

Sacred Curriculum

This is a training of sacred curriculum that will focus on developing your healing and intuitive skills, while teaching and supporting you with the necessary business skills to run a professional healing business.

You will be taken through the wheels of the healing and intuitive arts – channeling, mediumship, psychic abilities, healing arts, core shamanism and more… And as you learn these sacred arts, you will be learning and cultivating the business skills to bring them into the world in a way that allows you to thrive.

KAIROS is organized in a cyclical nature, wheels within wheels, all aligned with the energy of the divine spiral and the rhythms of the Earth and the Cosmos.
These cycles support your overall ability to thrive and to enter into and practice in this field from a place of deep connection to your divine nature.

Through each 6-week cycle of the Wheel of the Year, you will:

“What an amazing experience this workshop was. The gratitude grows and grows as I live reenergized, realigned, reimagined daily. This was a sacred experience that I will hold dear forever. I am still finding the words to express…”


Guided by the rhythms of the Earth, through the turning of the Wheel of the Year, you access your innate curriculum as a healer.

The Wheel of the Year
01 Wheel of the Year I

Attune to the cycles of Mama Gaia to support your Great Work. The Kairos healer walks outside time and space, traveling through the spirals of cosmic connection and the rhythm of Gaia.

Kairos Ritual Process Wheel
02 KAIROS Ritual Process Wheel3 01 01

This Wheel allows you to be of greatest service and true value to your clients.  It allows you to be magnetic to the soulmate clients that you are meant to work with, and cloaked to those who are not. 

Healing Powers Wheel
03 Healing Powers Wheel 01

Activate and awaken your multidimensional gifts as a healer across lifetimes.
You are Healer. You are psychic. You may identify as shaman, priestess, witch, medium, oracle or something else entirely...

Great Work Wheel
04 Great Work Wheel 01

Develop professional business skills for the Healing Arts. Your Great Work is needed and you deserve to be honored and supported as you share your gifts with the world.

Sacred Wealth Wheel
05 Sacred Wealth Wheel I

Heal, claim, and transform your relationship with money. It is time to end the cycles of scarcity and struggle that so many healers on the planet brought into this lifetime.

Sacred Scribe Wheel
06 Sacred Scribe Wheel 01

Claim the medicine of your voice and expression as a healer. There are Healing Codes written within you that are ready to be expressed.

Medicine Animal Wheel
07 Medicine Animal Wheel 01

Co-create with Spirit Animals as your medicine helpers. Animal spirits are powerful allies in the realm of multidimensional reality.

Divine Feminine Archetype Wheel
08 Goddess Archetype Wheel 01

Nurture your divine feminine power and open the gates to receiving in every area of your life. For millennia, societies across the globe lived within the goddess tradition.

You will be guided through the 8 wheels of KAIROS, which are all simultaneously synching, turning and pulsing rhythmically through the Wheel of the Year.  Each cycle is designed to take you deep into your own rhythms and the cycles of nature to uncover your true gifts. As the spiral unfolds, your transformation into the healer you were meant to be is activated and amplified.

KAIROS is the potent container that holds the sacred space for you to fully receive your gifts and create a professional magical career with them, if you so choose.

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"Every area of my life has been impacted by being a part of Kairos. My goal in joining Kairos was to develop my intuitive gifts, find my unique magic and step into my calling to serve as a healer as my 2nd career. I did all of those things but also experienced tremendous personal transformation that I was not expecting. I dropped the mask and patterning I had been living with much of my life, to live more authentically, to live in alignment with who I truly am at a Soul level. I quit Corporate America and released the need to be important in that environment in order to do greater, more important work. My relationships have improved significantly (the ones that I chose to keep); they have a depth and transparency that was missing before. I overhauled my diet and am in much better physical health. I have released so much toxicity, negativity, ancestral/ familial patterning; I really can't even describe all of the levels of healing. I am a very different person than I was a year ago."

A year long study in the Healing & Business Arts using the 8 Wheels of KAIROS Curriculum

Optional Extra Support Offerings Also Included In Your Tuition:

The spiral energy of the Kairos consciousness yields a year of deep self exploration and radical transformation in which you will learn everything you need to know to become a six-figure healer who is able to work in full integrity with Spirit and your divine gifts.

Janet and Ina will be bringing you their combined 30+ years of working as professional healers to teach you all the ins and outs and behind the scenes wisdom of what it takes to be a high-level healer with integrity.

By the end of the school year, you will have a clearer understanding of your healing niche designed around your unique spiritual gifts. You’ll be given the tools and support you need to set up a business with clients, including the knowledge to implement all the infrastructure you need in order to create a successful and profitable business: booking software, website, programs, sessions, legal documents, insurance, newsletters, social media branding, an active and growing email list, the container for your sacred business finances and more.

*If you’re not interested in running a healing business, but you want to develop your intuitive healing skills, you are still welcome to join us if you’re feeling the call.  You can engage with as much of the curriculum as you desire. The certification is optional, and is available for those that are professionally pursuing their healing practice.

The wisdom of who you are is awakening

Are you ready to join this ancient wisdom school,
activate lifetimes of healing potential & build your dream business?

Are you ready to live in alignment with your soul’s
wisdom and your heart’s desires?

The next school year begins on November 6th, 2023.

Click here to find out more about our tuition financing options.



JanetIna a scaled

The paid in full tuition for the yearlong school is $14,888.

We also offer payment plans from 12 to 15 months.

“Kairos promised transformation and it DELIVERED – over and over and over again. Between the multi-faceted classes & curriculum, the weekly channeled healings, the support in network and within the circle, the 1 on 1 support with other sisters, the practicums and trainings, the Bonus activations and healings, the magical spell casting and syncing of sisters…. I am completely transformed from the inside out. I am a completely new person…. I actually feel superhuman, or like a new HYBRID. Or perhaps it’s that for the first time in my life, I am so FULLY in my body, so fully present and grounded, that it feels foreign and new. And yet, it is also the deep sense of HOME, something I have spent a lifetime searching and longing for, never realizing it was within me the whole time. I hold the space of both being so deeply connected with my spirit and accepting all parts of my human-ness. I am wholly, fully, deeply, truly, unapologetically ME... I quite literally was rebirthed in Kairos, having the honor to grow up again, within a lovingly co-regulated functional space. I was loved into wholeness. This will forever be my home in my heart."

YES! Even if this is not directly relatable to your current career, you will learn tools and skills and receive healings that will open you up to the magic of the Universe and provide you with a means to earn more and have more fun in whatever work you are sharing with the world. It will also support you in honing your alignment with your current work, bringing more vitality and power to it.

KAIROS is a potent container for healing skill development, no matter what your ability level, as we’ll all be pushing new edges of psychic technologies.  The business benefits of KAIROS will depend on how well your business is going for you. This course will deepen any knowledge that you already have while also offering you a business course that is designed to support you in expanding your business. You will also be able to deepen your work with cycles and take your healing and intuitive skills to the next level.

In part, this is determined by whether or not you want to receive the certification that we are offering everyone, but which is optional. There are 3-5 classes per week for three weeks of every month. The classes are each an hour long. The fourth week is for rest, integration and to catch up on anything that you need to get done. All classes will be recorded so that you can listen to them as you desire. The classes are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with a weekly Sacred Scribe & Wealth ritual on Mondays. If you decide to get certified, there are an additional 4 practicums (about an hour each) during every 6-week cycle.

We understand that going back to school, even if it’s a magic school, can feel like a lot, especially if you are full-time working or raising kids. Because of this we have designed the curriculum to be easy to navigate and manage. All of the classes are recorded and you will have integration weeks to rest and catch up. We also provide you with audio versions of the classes so you can listen while walking or on-the-go (note: not all classes will be suited to this, but many will be).

We teach and encourage you to work with cycles – those of the cosmos, Gaia and your body – and with that in mind, there will be times when you will be able to do more or when you want to do less. There are no grades and no due dates; this is an organic, cyclical, Kairos-time experience.

You will not be a certified shaman, however you will be certified in the Kairos system of healing. Our certification covers a wide variety of methodology and practice that allows you to align with the exact type of healing work that best suits you and your gifts. Shamanic practice is covered in the Mabon cycle of our curriculum and so you will learn the fundamentals of core shamanism during this period (and also throughout the year).

Whether you are new to this world or have been working in it for a while, we have created a curriculum that allows you to deeply hone in on what your gifts are and how you can align with your North Star to bring them into the world.

We are so grateful you are here! We have designed this school to cover everything from basic to intermediate/advanced skills and the curriculum covers everything we wish we had been exposed to early in our healing careers. We have created this so that you can learn the healing and intuitive arts along with all the business skills you need to start earning money right away.

We don’t offer refunds.  We trust that if you are feeling a strong pull to be in this program, you are meant to be here. We ask that you look into your hearts and tap into your full-bodied “Yes!” When you feel that, you will know that you are in the right place. If there are extenuating circumstances, however,  we are open to discussing them with you; we just ask that you be in full integrity (Jaguar medicine) with your request.

In this course, we will support you in creating as dynamic a website as possible through teachings on branding, copy and images, but we will not actually provide you with a platform for your website (or scheduling software or CRMs or any other digital product that a business needs). We will make recommendations to you for websites, some of which are inexpensive and easy to set up yourself.

We do not guarantee that you will make any amount of money, but we do guarantee that we will teach you all the skills that you need to earn a 6-figure income. If you follow what we teach you, apply yourself to the curriculum and step out of your comfort zone along the way, you should be able to earn a very nice income even before the school year ends.

We do offer a handful partial scholarships, which will be awarded on a case by case basis. Priority is given to women of color. To be considered for one, please fill out this application. 

While we work with the Wheel of the Year, we work with a total of 8 wheels that support you in all areas of your life. You will be opposite us in seasons, but you will still learn how to work with the cycles, create ritual and benefit from the turning of the Wheel. In addition, you will learn a large variety of skills that are independent of seasons and that will support you in business and life.

There is no private one-on-one access to us, but we will be working closely with you throughout the entire year, teaching most of the classes, connecting with you in our community and facilitating group healings and ceremonies, and we will have “office hours” each cycle. You’ll get a lot of us! And this will be one of the very few ways to have face-to-face time with us when the academy is in session.

We will have second-year certified healers available for you to schedule with should you need healing support throughout the year. The price of these services are not included, but will be available.

We understand! When we were in your position, we both had to take gigantic leaps of faith in order to get training as well.  If you feel it in your heart, trust that you are supported in bringing your gifts into the world, and really open to the magic of ALL the ways your tuition can come to you. We wanted to make this money creation process easier for you and we created a Sacred Wealth program that is designed to support you in creating tuition (and more abundance in your life in general). It’s one of the most powerful money healing journeys we’ve ever experienced.  If you purchase Sacred Wealth Creation as a money generator for your tuition, we will refund you the price ($222) after you enroll in KAIROS.   You can find more information about that program here.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Divine Feminine Archetype Wheel

Nurture your divine feminine power and open the gates to receiving in every area of your life

For millennia, societies across the globe lived within the goddess tradition. With Mama Moon guiding them, they attuned to the rhythms and cycles of the cosmos and Gaia.

Natural healing, astral traveling, ecstatic dancing, womb wisdom, channeling, oracular vision and more were aligned with the energy of the Mother Goddess and the knowingness that the goddess lives within all.

Toxic patriarchy has separated us from the wisdom of the divine feminine and as a result the earth is struggling, and healing has become reactive instead of proactive. We are taught to live in a state of fear, scarcity and competition, all of which are antithetical to the wisdom of the goddess.

Throughout this wheel, you will work with powerful goddess archetypes to embody their wisdom and to channel their divine guidance and healing powers. You will connect into the divine feminine qualities of receptivity, generosity, abundance, expansion, expression and more.

Become a Certified KAIROS Healer and embody integrity and impeccability in your practice.

This is a magical trade school in which you will ultimately be certified through a process that ensures that you have been trained with the utmost integrity as a healer and intuitive.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Medicine Animal Wheel

Co-create with Spirit Animals as your medicine helpers

Animal spirits are powerful allies in the realm of multidimensional reality. They hold frequencies, healing, insights and medicine that heal the soul and activate your divine power.

Ancient traditions across the world from Ireland to Egypt to Greece to the Americas and beyond have worked with animals spirits and familiars over millennia, knowing that the power of these guides activates and amplifies archetypal wisdom.

Animal spirits take you on journeys of deep and radical transformation. As you work with them over the course of the year, you will begin to embody their lessons and the power of their medicine will be expressed in your work and in your life.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Sacred Scribe Wheel

Claim the medicine of your voice and expression as a healer

There are Healing Codes written within you that are ready to be expressed.

Your voice conveys your magic to the world, spells your intentions into the world and allows you to connect with the exact right people who want your healing and your gifts in their lives.

Cultivating your authentic and powerful voice while learning the skills that provide the structure for it to reach others is at the heart of the Sacred Scribe Wheel.

Throughout the year, you will learn how to express yourself and connect with others and you will participate in regular Sacred Scribe sessions where you connect into your voice and develop your writing (or video/marketing) skills so that you feel safe to bring your unique expression and great work into the world.

This is about you finding the vehicle of expression that is most natural and powerful for YOU, not trying to use methods that hinder your true voice.

Deep healing of the Witch Wound (fear of being persecuted for speaking your truth) will unfold through the power of this Wheel!

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Sacred Wealth Wheel

Heal, claim, and transform your relationship with money

It is time to end the cycles of scarcity and struggle that so many healers on the planet brought into this lifetime.

As a healer you are meant to be supported for your healing gifts. Your work is sacred and money provides the opportunity for a holy exchange of energy.

When you receive an equitable exchange for your offerings, you are able to support yourself and your family to not just survive, but thrive. You are able to give to others and invest back into the world you want to create.

The Sacred Wealth Wheel takes you deep into money management, debt clearing, and healing for scarcity and struggle mindsets. Through this cycle, you create sacred money rituals that connect you to abundance while stepping into integrity with your pricing, time boundaries, bookkeeping systems, business finance management, philanthropy and more.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Great Work Wheel

Develop professional business skills for the Healing Arts

Your Great Work is needed and you deserve to be honored and supported as you share your gifts with the world.

The stronger your business foundation is, the more magic making you can share.

In the Great Work Wheel, you learn the business skills specific to being a professional healing practitioner and how to implement them as systems that support the growth of your intuitive career.

You learn website creation, writing copy, building your email list, offering a juicy opt-in gift that is aligned with your North Star, implementing scheduling software, branding, social media management, legal forms, and much more.

At the end of the year, you will have all the tools you need to set up your entire soul-aligned, thriving healing business, if you choose to commit to that path.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

Healing Powers Wheel

Activate and awaken your multidimensional gifts as a healer across lifetimes

You are Healer. You are psychic. You may identify as shaman, priestess, witch, medium, oracle or something else entirely…

…but whatever your identification may be, the archetype and the gifts of it reside within you.

The soul codes for intuition and healing are a part of your multidimensional reality, the reality that lies beyond that which your fingertips touch, the reality that is experienced through your extra sensory perception.

Throughout the Healing Powers Wheel you learn psychic and healing development, channeling, mediumship, shamanic practices, connecting with your Guides, empathic empowerment, spiritual hygiene, clearings, and more.

You further develop these healing practitioner skills through consistent practicums with other students.

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

KAIROS Ritual Process Wheel

Design your soul-aligned magical business in co-creation with Spirit

This Wheel allows you to be of greatest service and true value to your clients. It allows you to be magnetic to the soulmate clients that you are meant to work with, and cloaked to those who are not. It ensures that every offering and communication you put out is 100% aligned with your truth, integrity, and sincerity of your work.

This Ritual Process Wheel was developed by KAIROS to flow behind the scenes, allowing you to run your business by co-creating with Spirit, working with rituals and nature cycles, honoring your body before your business, and creating your work with integrity.

This Ritual Process Wheel transforms “marketing” into a spell-casting form of being a lighthouse to those who are ready for your Healing Codes. It creates an invitation into your sacred work, rather than repelling people by marketing from exhaustion, desperation and unhealed fear.

The Ritual Process Wheel allows you to create your business from the sourced energy of Soul Time, where your schedule is filled with abundant spaciousness, not crammed with time scarcity.

This wheel will teach you how to run a Fifth Dimensional business that’s not only deeply nourishing and transformational, but magical, playful and fun!

Welcome to the Eight Wheels of Kairos

The Wheel of Year

Attune to the cycles of Mama Gaia to support your Great Work

The Kairos healer walks outside time and space, traveling through the spirals of cosmic connection and the rhythm of Gaia.

Our curriculum follows the Wheel of the Year, traveling through the Solstices, Equinoxes and cross-quarter days that mark the transitions of seasons.

As you align with the rhythmic nature of Source and Gaia, your gifts are activated and amplified across time and space.