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Sacred Wealth Creation


Awakening your abundance codes

Join us on a Shamanic Healing Journey

A Series of Four Initiations
  • ONE: Clearing Ancestral Money Wounds
  • TWO:  Releasing the Bonds of Financial Servitude
  • THREE: Claim your Wealth Rites
  • FOUR: Sacred Legacy: Activating your Abundance Codes



Clearing Ancestral Money Wounds

There’s a money story that pulses through your veins.
It’s an ancient story, filled with trauma and struggle.

Your ancestors are here and they’re summoning you forth to heal the story of scarcity trauma in your lineage. For good.

It’s time to heal and restore the years the locusts have eaten. To restore the experience of well-being and abundance in your nervous system.

In this initiation you will release generations of curses and vows of poverty that have anchored your lineage in financial struggle and pain. The wounds of the past no longer need to determine your experience with money in this lifetime.

It's time to create a new vow that activates the sacred abundance codes for your lineage - throughout all time.

freedom from indebtedness

"I did the first activation and clearing from the wealth bundle and let me tell you guys that was so good I didn't even mind that I sobbed and wailed. It felt really good to purge that and it felt even better understanding where some of these things come from. I also had a huge shamanic activation and I cleared curses from the lineage. It was way better this time then any other time I did it. I do similar work on my own. This made me want to be in even more... the weaving and the energy of this activation was something out of this world and I am so thankful to you both for such deep healing."

Georgia Fausther


Releasing the Bonds of Financial Servitude

Prostitution & self-sacrifice are the vestiges of the patriarchy
You no longer need to do what you don't want to do in order to survive.

Hard work and time scarcity are control mechanisms the patriarchy has used to keep you from experiencing the abundance that would threaten its survival.

Sacrifice and martyrdom are heralded as admirable, toiling away at the expense of yourself for another, trading dollars for hours, running against a clock, feeling like your worth is measured by the hours ticked off a timecard…

But you were never meant to live in overwhelm or anxiety. You were never meant to spend your life running against a clock you can never catch.

You were meant to thrive. You were meant to explore the magic of who you are, to be a master spell caster of abundance and play.

Spirit and your ancestors are meeting you here, holding you: Enough is enough.

The energy of indebtedness serves no one – and especially not you. In this initiation, you will be releasing from the entrapment of the matrix of indebtedness that is designed to diminish your power.

It’s time to lay down your servitude, to turn it over, and to claim the expansive beauty of what you came here to express, through the power of grace and ease.

the abundance codes are in you

"I just participated in your Wealth Creation Initiation Series and holy shizzle. You two ladies are on F I R E. I’ve been listening to the final recording almost daily after listening to all of them in order, and can hear you reminding me that my “magical life is fully funded”. Thank you for these potent transmissions. I am treasuring the recordings and will be using them for some time to come.”



Claiming your Wealth Rites

You are the Initiate of the Abundance Codes within you
Your Soul is ready for you to open to receive your true bounty.

The truth is: there has always been more than enough. Your soul knows this. Your body knows this. But your mind struggles with it because you’ve been programmed through five thousand years of patriarchal wounding that has kept society in a state of turmoil, warring over what you’ve been led to believe are finite goods.

But darling, this is a lie. The Universe – like you as a sacred aspect of Source energy – is ever expanding. The natural flow of energy is to increase in nature. YOU were meant to expand in nature.

All of those desires – they are a true expression of who you yearn to be. They are the whispers of your soul urging your forward. Just as a seed cracks open to become a tree, a flower bud blossoms into fullness and a baby grows into an adult…
…your soul is forever pushing you to know more. It does so through desire and the pulses of abundance that are pushing through you.

In this initiation, you will open to the flow of abundance that was always meant to be an expression of your magic.

Wealth is your true nature. Come and get it.

embodying financial integrity

“Since working with Janet and Ina, I’ve experienced massive personal transformation around money, wealth and abundance. I’ve recognized the old patterns that were inherited from family and ancestors and I’ve been able to heal a lot of the outdated thought processes. I’ve also grown massive in my belief around my gifts and psychic senses. My life has been impacted in wonderful ways but especially in my intimate relationships, boundaries and worthiness. I am learning to allow things to come and go easefully.”

Sarah McCallum


From Scarcity to Legacy

It's time to bring your TRUE CURRENCY into the world
You are creating a Sacred Legacy that spreads far and wide beyond you.

Your true currency is a frequency that aligns with the powerful and magical essence of who you truly are.

It is your rhythm, the beat of your drum, the movement that your soul makes as it flows its creative energy out into the world.

Your currency is the quickening pulse of your heart as it recognizes your soul truth within, the chills flowing up and down your spine when your being aligns with Spirit.

And when you allow your true currency to flow into the world, miracles happen. Synchronicities abound. The magic of All that Is makes itself visible to you. Abundance has always been within you; it has always been you.

But it likes to surf on the flow of your truth – it echoes and reverberates along the authenticity of your essence and when the fears and constrictions loosen around it, you can access those abundance codes and move into sacred legacy creation.

In this initiation, you move from merely having your needs met into the ripple effects of legacy generation.

Your heart is summoning you. Your dreams are nudging you. The magic of who you are is awakening.

Are you ready to create
that Sacred Legacy?
If so, we invite you to join us...

“Ina and Janet, you two are a dynamic duo! You ladies are beyond amazing...my mind, heart and spirit have been blown wide open in such a powerful and life changing way. I’m full of fire, love and inspiration! I’m still integrating so much and the gratitude I have for both of you and the work you bring to this world is so huge in every way! Thank you with ALL of my heart.”

Brook Gardner


Sacred Wealth Creation

Join us for an Alchemical Series of Four Healing Initiations...


* By purchasing this program, I agree to these Terms of Use.

and you can return to these sacred recordings at any time.

“This was my first experience with you and it was powerful. I laughed, I cried, I started the work on feeling some things from childhood and more recently and the process of letting go. My body was vibrating and tingling. I felt the light and the energy. Thank you so much. I really needed this.”

“Janet and Ina, that session was INSANE. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced an activation that intense before in my entire life. It was a total game changer.”

“Janet and Ina, your workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. I cannot thank you enough for all you put into it for us!! I am reeling from the benefits of today and will be forever, I am sure. Thank you for changing my life and helping me to step into my power.”

"Um wow!!! That was incredibly amazing !! How in the F!&$ Do you ladies do that??? I mean seriously! Hooowwww? You two are something beyond amazing! I LOVE it when you come together! Outta this world! Thank you!!!!"


Goosebumps, tingles, full body YES’s, nerves, tummy flutters?


Trust the Divine Wisdom that guided you here.

The activation has already begun.

  • Fund the magical life you came here to live
  • The Golden Age is rising
  • It's time to reclaim your worth
  • You are your own best investment
  • The Abundance codes are within you
  • Your dream world is coming into form

Click the magic button to initiate your Legacy!

Launching with the Cycles BUNDLE

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles 

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles