The Rise of the
Healers Retreat


Wow! What an epically profound weekend of collective healing and magic! We have over 600 people coming together for the Rise of the Healers Retreat and whether you joined us live or through the recording, you will experience a deep transformation as a result of these transmissions and healings.

Session One: Friday Night - Opening Ceremony

Healing the Witch Wound & Psychic Gate opening 

“I am vibrating” “Crying over here” “I am SOOOOO loving all of this” “Holy fuck, thank you” “Mic drop! 💖” “Y'all, I can't stop crying. 😭😂” “My body was convulsing” “So very many tears, release.” “Holy fuck that ending! Lol” “🤯 INCREDIBLE” “Felt the shift!!! 💫”

“Husband just said to me, these beautiful witches don’t know what they are in for! 💗”

“I’ve had an emotional release since joining this session. Absolutely beautiful wisdom you are sharing.”

“Oh wow! All this love! I’m trying not to cry on this camera ya’ll!!!”

“It's like we have all met on some type of timeline. Previous life. I feel like I've known you both before.”

“Can't stop the tears. Tired of being/feeling alone.”

“Hard to see the keyboard through the tears. I intend to release the old story of not enough and step into my power.”

“Thank you! That was beautiful. I can feel the unshackling”

“Can’t wait for a full day of this Tomorrow!!!!!”

“Something moved inside. Holy fuck.”.

“That was amazing still feel it all over my body”

“I felt old wounding begin to transmute and I feel rejuvenated and excited to transform further!”

“Love light language… omg fucking loved that - chewing away all the blocks.”

“I was convulsing at one point as the energy was going through me”
“My third eye felt hot as soon as we started. So much activation and clearing for sure 💗”

“Wow!! I passed the fuck out, like I went in deep and felt my body vibrating.”

“I felt like I broke open, and was put back together and broken again now I am star dust ✨”

“I felt like I discovered a part of me that didn't believe I deserved love, and this was holding me back in my love life. Thank you for that revelation and transmutation!”

“Thank you for this precious healing time together. For the courage and willingness. What a beautiful gift. We are doing this!!❤️‍🔥”

“This is such a priceless experience!”

Session Two: Saturday Morning

Your Vibrational Pharmacy, Meeting your guides, & more!

"I feel SO much better, I feel like my feet are back on the right path."

"I KNOW I am where I need to be! Thank you everyone."

"So much in one meditation. Saw things, smelled, sang, danced and walked on air."

"So beautiful! My third eye was quite cloudy and grimy so I wiped it with my magic cloth and I saw my beautiful sparkling green third eye…"

"Your healing triggered something deep in me. Wow! Thank you for your vulnerability! That was amazing!”


Session Three: Saturday Afternoon

Eclipse Activation, attuning to the body, & Sigil Making

“I feel like there’s a team of beings working on my entire body right now upgrading me and giving me new gifts and powers. Like I’m on a massage table and have hands all over me. So good!!!! ❤️”

“It’s so amazing to feel this experience with all of you ❤️❤️❤️ It feels so natural.”

“Yes, those activations impacted me as well and gave a Holy Fuck Moment...Say what the Guilt and Shame isn't mine?? WTF. It really crashed in on me = that I was holding onto that shit all my life until yesterday...Still integrating that one.”

“I woke up feeling great! Went to the gym and everything. First time waking up without worry or anxiety”

“I feel fucking divine 🙂”

“Profound Eclipse energy Portal 💥”

“I feel hopeful about finding my path forward as a healer, I’ve been sitting with this for 15 years”

“Such a nourishing activation. I am going to have my sigil in a place where I can look at everyday”

“Thank you, Ina and Janet! What an intensely profound transformational day. Love you both so much💗”

“That was so powerful!! Whenever Ina speaks the light language, I also start making sounds I have never made before. A whole new level of magic for me - love!!!💗”

“I truly felt that sigil being overlaid over me, surrounding me and then imbed itself within me. Uncomfortable at first, it's acclimating itself.”

“That felt so freeing. My little inner child was dancing and singing circles around me, dancing around inside the supports.”

“Thank you!!! I felt all goosebumps!!!”

“Chills the whole time!! Just incredible!”

Session Four: Sunday Morning

Activating your Sacred Wealth Architecture

“I've been calling/desiring/summoning this for such a long time and this has answered the calling and I can't help the tears falling! It is so beautiful and I have to join the ACADEMY! Life is so beautiful and exciting! thank you ALL you lovely beautiful beings❤️” - Michelle

“Thanks, Janet and Ina for your magic vision and what you bring to sisters who are ready for this!!!!! Absolutely life-changing, I cannot ever walk small in this world again. ❤️” - Kat

“Thank you for such a wonderful weekend. I called this year the RISE and here comes this retreat ❤️” - Rana

“It's unlike me but I actually have no words!” - Catherine

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was intimidated. Yesterday while listening, light language came out several times. I’ve always heard it, but never spoken it. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!” - Leanne

“Oh Fuck YES!!!” - Talia

“Amazing!” - A whole bunch of people!!!

“Fucking Fabulous!” - Sharon

“Amazing activation. I will be listening to it again!” - Sam

“I was on the floor with arms and legs open like the Vitruvian Woman 😂” - Bernadett

Extra Session #1: Monday Integration

Integration Healing + Q&A 

So many great questions were answered on today’s call, along with a beautiful integration process

Some of the questions we answered…

Do I need to do my own healing before I activate my gifts? And how will this impact my children? - Kylee

How do I know my marketing style with my human design? - Amalia

My body was on fire last night. Is it normal to experience such intense body heat? - Norleah

I still have so much religious trauma, how do I know if I’m meant to do this? - Venessa

Are there classes for kids in Kairos? Do you teach tantra in Kairos? - LeAnne

Extra Session #2: Money Magic Creation Cauldron

Money Magic Creation Cauldron

This is a call you don’t want to miss if you’ve been struggling with how to create cash flow in any way.

This was a super fun and inspiring class.

We talked about the energetics of money and how to become a resonant match for abundance. 

We shared inspiring stories and we brainstormed ways to come up with more if you’re wanting to create an influx of it. 

And we played in the energy of it, which is a lot of fun to do.

Sometimes, it really can rain money and actually, money does grow on trees.

Extra Session #3: Ego or Intuition + Student Panel

Ego or Intuition + Student Panel

We covered a lot today and it’s important to remember that these things can take time. But, as you practice, you will become more and more comfortable with your body and its messages.

In this call we talked about:

How intuition feels when it drops in

How ego feels when it’s showing up

The effects of nervous system dysregulation on your intuition

How to create a space that opens you to safety to connect with spirit and your body

And more!

We also heard from our Kairos student panel! 

These amazing graduates, many of whom have continued with Kairos, shared how:

🌀They juggle Kairos and kids

🌀They created their magical businesses (even when they didn’t even know what that would mean)

🌀They created boundaries and greater communication skills for themselves and within their family

🌀Their kids have benefited from Kairos

🌀And so much more

Extra Session #4: Student Panel

What People Say About Their Experience

This call is SO worth watching if you want to be inspired by what’s possible and to hear first hand what it’s like being in Kairos from students that have spent the past year in this sacred container. 

Questions you have may be answered just by listening to their shares. From motherhood, to how to handle the time, the support, the transformation… and so much more.

Many mics were dropped on this call today, that will allow you to see the reflection of yourself in the sisterhood. So many women listening in felt the validation within them. 

Extra Session #5: Tuition Activation

Making Tuition Magic

That was so much fun, my body is still tingling from the shifts that happened in the activation. Wow!  I feel like we pierced the veil into new understandings of what we’re really up to here. 

In this call we:

💸 Set tuition intentions

💸 Tapped into the power of the cauldron and Kairos to shift limiting beliefs and defenses

💸 Connect with your innate money making magic (yes, you have this!)

💸 Healed money wounds

💸 Activated your capacity to co-create your tuition with Spirit

And had a TON of fun in the process!

We shared about two available scholarship opportunities at the end of the call.  If you would like to learn more about the Heather Hightower Embodied Shaman Legacy Scholarship click here.


“Taking the leap and investing in myself and traveling the wheel with Kairos last year was life changing and transformative. I came out of functional freeze and healed deep inner child wounds and my nervous system, found my voice and was held by a potent container, claimed and integrated my unique magic and met life long soul sisters. I was so nervous to join at first and am so happy that I did and took time to slow down heal and invest in myself and reclaimed who I really am 🙌💜” - Joy

“The resources of the sisterhood are incredible. They SEE you. They know and sit so strong in their medicine you can lean into them. The divine connections of each other's medicine that potentiate each other is incredible.” - Samantha

Kairos has been life changing. For the past 2 years in this magical school I've gone deep into my healing, found a divine sisterhood, and reclaimed my place as a healer. Among so much more! I can't imagine where I would be if it weren't for these wonderful ladies.” - Crystal

“Kairos has helped me do everything in my life better. Run my business. Connect with the sisterhood and feel safe and held. I even feel like I have been a better Mumma because I have been truly supported. This has been life changing for me” - Emma

“I thought I went into Kairos to clarify what I am doing, refine my business and build it, but I spent the whole year doing intensive healing and that was exactly what I needed.” - Tyla

After the Sacred Wealth Creation course I was able to bring in half of my tuition up front. I had a psychology practice but getting clients was slow, and all of a sudden tons of clients came in at one time!!” - Rebecca

Become a Certified

Are you ready to spend the next year
in the potency of this sacred container?


Launching with the Cycles BUNDLE

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles 

How to Feel Magnetic, Inspired, and Aligned by Working with the Cycles to Grow Your Business with Greater Ease

emoji-timeline Includes a free subconscious audio clearing and Guide to the Cycles