The Rise of the
Healers Retreat

Summoning & Catalyzing
Your Intuitive Healing Powers

Unofficial tagline: No More Fucking Around

No more excuses

Are you ready to RISE as a healer?

Healer, Medicine Woman, Shaman, Witch:

You are needed.
You are needed in your power, 
In your grace,
In your full-bodied, open-hearted and fierce love.

The time is now.
The world is struggling.
Systems are crumbling.

People are scattered, 

The façade that has shaped our lives,
Is tearing at the seams,

And healer, 
You are the antidote.

The world is shifting, changing, morphing at lightning speed.
And the old way of doing things is no longer working.

By the thousands, people are awakening and they are seeing:
The power of sovereignty.
The potency of their own bodies.
The medicine of their own love.

You are a guide, a seer, the healer of the soul storm that is rising.

There is a portal awaiting you, and it is an opportunity to step into the power of your love, the magic of your gifts. It is an invitation from the Goddess and, from your higher self, to own what you came here to do.






“…But I don’t know what my gifts are…”

“…I’m afraid to leave my corporate job…”

“…How will I ever support myself…”

“…I’m afraid of what my family and friends might think…”

But the truth is that if you’re not living your passion, you aren’t fully living your life.

And in the midst of these times, there has never been a better time for you to claim your gifts, to say “Fuck yes!” to YOU.

The Field is strengthening and all of this is becoming easier, it’s all more accessible, it’s all ready for you to grab it, to stake your claim, to honor yourself and the power of what you are meant to do in the world:

Heal others.

Help them to remember how incredibly powerful they are.

Support them in understanding what a miracle their body is.

Show them that they too can heal, that they can become symptom free, that they can experience more joy, that they can let go of their worries, their pain, their trauma.

Now, more than ever, and even in the midst of the uncertainty, more and more people are turning to healers. They are re-membering the power of natural healing, of Gaia and of the sourced wisdom within each and every one of us.

As a Medicine Woman, Shamaness, Witch, or Creatrix, you are a Sacred Disruptor.

You came here to upset the status quo, to say no more to the oppressive and disrespectful ways in which our bodies have been treated. 

You incarnated to weave new timelines of possibility, to activate new fields of potential and to share your magic far and wide.

The time of the witch wounding is closing and together, shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart, we are rising.

The demand for your gifts has never been higher. You are being summoned.

You see, the thing is…
People need YOU to show them this. 
They need you to guide them.
They need your magic, your heart, your healing powers.

So, if you’re ready to access the greater power and wisdom within you and if you’re ready to share that with all who can benefit and heal with you…

Then we invite you to join us for a super magical weekend in which you will activate your intuitive powers, connect into sacred wealth creation and tap into and explore the power of your expression.

In the Rise of the Healers Retreat, you will drop deep into the cyclical nature of the Universe, Gaia, and Source wisdom to understand how your gifts work and how you, as a healer, can use them to not only create healing for your community, but to do so in a way that allows you to thrive.

In this three day retreat, you will :

This three day event will provide you with deep and potent healing while also activating your psychic and healer’s gifts.

And this year we have a potent cosmic embrace that will support you in the activation and embrace of your goddess-given gifts while also holding you in the release of old patterning that holds you back from the true re-membrance of who you are.

We open on Friday the 13th, the Day of the Goddess, in which we will sit in ceremony with the divine feminine templating that re-members and activates our healers wisdom within.

On Saturday, we play in the energy of the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra. This cosmic lineup supports you in the deeper understanding of who you came here to be – and what you are ready to release in order to activate and embody her.


The transformation that occurred over the last two years has been mind-blowing! Here is just a small sampling of some of the comments we received from past participants:

"I'm laying here in bed at 10:00, relishing and basking and integrating all that happened today. The laughs, the hysteria, the tears, the shares, the healings, the allowance. What an amazing day! Thank you, Janet and Ina, for all the support & guidance and wisdom and healing. Oh, and the laughs too!! Thanks for all the laughs!!"

"This weekend has been one of the single most transformative moments in my life. So much gratitude."

"You ladies are AHmazing. Your weekend has been glorious. Your school is going to form the spiritual army of our times!! I cannot wait to see how y’all shift the world!!"

"Tears, love, releasing…clearing space for the miracles. Thank you ALL!"

"This has brought clarity to all my Psychic, Empathic, Energy healing skills. Thanks so much!!"

And you can play with us in this weekend-long event for $333, but if you join us by midnight on October 11th, you pay just $111!

PLUS, you can invite a friend to join you for FREE! 

No more excuses

Are you ready to RISE as a healer?
   Retreat Details:   

Friday, Oct 13th from 3:00-5:30 pm PT/6:00-8:30 pm ET

Saturday, Oct 14th from 8:00 am-4:00 pm PT/ 11:00 am-7:00 pm ET

Sunday, Oct 15th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm PT/  12:00 pm-3:00 pm ET

Zoom video retreat – join us from anywhere in the world

*Retreat recording will be available for 5 days post retreat.

Kairos Healers Academy by Janet Raftis & Ina Lukas - THE YEARLONG MAGICAL TRADE SCHOOL FOR THE HEALING ARTS Eclectic & Mystic Website Design by Val Frimon @WeirdTales Design Studio


Ina Lukas & Janet Raftis

Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas are alchemical, shamanic, creatrix channels whose work together supports you in remembering and activating your own innate power and wisdom.  Together they bring over 30 years of experience as professional healers.

Through the activations that they facilitate for their community of planetary shifters and lightworkers, they initiate the remembrance of gifts and powers from past lifetimes. Intuition is turned on, light language begins to flow, latent healing abilities become active and suppressed power is catalyzed into the ability to receive greater abundance, richer relationships and exciting opportunities.

They are co-founders of the KAIROS Healers’ Academy, a year-long magical trade school for the healing and intuitive arts.  The new school year begins on Samhain –  November 6th, 2023

They also facilitate deeply potent channeled activations throughout the Wheel of the Year (Solstices, Equinoxes, Cross-Quarters) aligning you to the rhythms of nature and harnessing your own potential to tap into your intuitive gifts and to spiritually evolve.


I wanted to say the experiences of our three days together, with all of you, were astounding and memorable in the ways in which we witnessed and felt and shared in the authentic revealings … all of it, the precious messiness of tender tears mixed with loud wailing, as we collectively exhaled, and immersed ourselves in some brave and rambunctious feminine healing. Hats off and head bowed to you, all. Thank you, Ina Lukas and Janet Raftis, for your brains and beauty and for inviting us to this. I was on live for most of it and watched replays to catch up when I wasn’t. Thanks for making that possible.


Ladies, I am so lit up. I feel a strength I haven’t felt in so long. Invincible. I feel aligned and purposeful. In addition, I ran today for the first time in 10 years and I never thought I would run again. I’m in it and this is what ALIGNMENT and authentic living feels like! This next chapter is already EPIC.
Thank you Ina and Janet for your leadership and holding us in your loving embrace.
Let’s DO THIS 🔥

Sydney Sullivan

It’s really hard to put into words what participating in activations and ceremonies and retreats with Ina and Janet has done for me. I’ve done quite a few and they blow me away every time! I have experienced SO MUCH healing and growth and transformation without even trying! I just show up, no matter what state I’m in and let the magic happen. And they never fail to deliver! I have never had so much fun being healed and transformed! It’s just amazing how powerful and effective their work is.

Babs Gosselin


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